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THE RESEARCH                                  (medication for sufferers of attention       could be used as an alternative
The authors used six experiments              deficit disorder) to help them remain        to shaving cream, but the brand’s
to test their belief of the impact            alert and study longer hours.                marketers could advise people to test
of resource scarcity on functional                                                         this on a small area to ensure it does
fixedness and, in turn, creative use of         These are good examples of                 not cause skin irritation.
products. For each experiment, they           inappropriate uses of products that
divided the participants into three           may be dangerous to consumers, and             Where brands encourage and
groups: a group which was given scarce        which may harm the brand if people           support consumers in their quest to
resources; a group with abundance             are negatively affected.                     make ends meet by finding creative
resources; and a control group with                                                        alternative uses for their product,
neither abundant nor scarce resources.          Interestingly, the findings of this study  they may find themselves generating
                                              showed that, in the case of resource         increased loyalty among their
  In the various experiments                  scarcity, respondents were not only          customers, who are likely to feel that
participants had to complete tasks            more creative in terms of product uses,      their favourite brands are fighting the
such as building a child’s toy with a         but participants still found appropriate     economic battle at their sides, rather
number of blocks, fixing a candle to          uses for the products.                       than against them.
a wall with only a pack of matches
and a box of tacks, and providing as            Conversely, where participants                Finally, given the finding that
many alternative uses for a traditional       were specifically made aware of the          consumers who are informed about
                                              traditional use of a product before          the traditional use of a product are
?                                             the experiment, they showed a lower          less creative in finding alternative
Brands could                                  degree of creativity in terms of finding     uses, brands could actively assist in
promote other                                 alternative uses for it.                     the creativity process by focusing less
product uses                                                                               on traditional product use in their
                                              TAKE-AWAYS                                   marketing communication. Instead, they
product as possible in two minutes.                                                        could promote brand values and the
They also had to improve on a current         The results have significant value for       advantages of using the brand, rather
product by building a new and improved        marketers in tougher economic times,         than focusing on product functionality.
version after being briefed on the            particularly in the coming period,
traditional use of the original product.      when South African consumers are               Based on the findings of Mehta
                                              feeling the effects of resource scarcity.    and Zhu, if consumers can be
THE FINDINGS                                  Since resource scarcity leads to more        encouraged and empowered to be
The series of experiments showed that,        creative uses of products, brands can        more creative in how they use traditional
firstly, a general sense of resource          presumably expect consumers to be            products, this strategy may lead to
scarcity does lead to more novel use of       more creative in how they use products       increased product usage, more sales
products by consumers who are less            going forward.                               and improved loyalty.
functionally fixed on traditional product
uses and, consequently, more creative           Sunlight soap, for example, has            Reference:
with finding alternative uses.                experienced this in the past when the        Mehta, R and Zhu, M. (2016) Creating
                                              original soap bar became a multi-            When You Have Less: Impact of Resource
  Unfortunately, finding ‘alternative         purpose household soap. Some                 Scarcity on Product Use. Journal of Consumer
uses’ can also stretch to consumers           consumers even advocate using                Research, 42(5):767-782. DOI: http://dx.doi.
finding ‘inappropriate uses’ for traditional  Sunlight to mould dreadlocks, or as          org/10.1093/jcr/ucv051
products. For example, children placing       an alternative to shaving cream.
Mentos packaged mint sweets inside                                                                                     Dr Mignon Reyneke
Coke bottles to cause them to explode           Based on this experience, brand                                        is a member of the
for entertainment purposes. Similarly,        managers may consider supporting                                         marketing faculty
some university students will use Ritalin     alternative product uses, or even to                                     at the University
                                              promote different uses of the same                                       of Pretoria’s
                                              product through their marketing                                          Gordon Institute of
                                              communication channels. Such an                                          Business (GIBS). She
                                              approach may be useful to consumers,                                     researches, teaches
                                              particularly where brands are                    and consults in marketing and branding
                                              suggesting safe alternative uses for             with a focus on luxury brands.
                                              their products. For example, Sunlight

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