Page 8 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - January 2019
P. 8

to identify their greatest threats and as stressful emotions take hold and
strategise about how to outperform their true selves shine through.
them. The best way to remember the
key components that make a powerful
3. Brands should be telling their own brand identity is to think of the brand
stories as a person. A large part of a person’s
Stories that should go far beyond brand identity is genetic. What they
the copy in their brochure or on the look like, how they sound, their natural
website. They need to tell the story fragrance, etc. are largely determined
of who they are, why they exist, what by genetics. Let’s call that the packaging
their values are and what makes them and design.
unique. It’s the elements that make up the
Social media platforms are rest of the brand where their agency for
brimming with stories – many carefully inluence prospers. Most people spend
orchestrated by individuals to create a fair portion of their lives researching.
certain perceptions about their lives. Scrolling through Instagram, following
Brands are doing the same. Starbucks News24 on Twitter or simply observing
boasts over 35 million followers. Their people in a club are all forms of
Facebook story begins: “Come on in. research.
This space is not so different from It is through this constant process
your neighborhood Starbucks. It’s that we decide which brands we love
a place where people from all over and which we avoid.
come together for conversation and Although the design and packaging
great coffee. We welcome your ideas, is extremely important when it comes
feedback, and constructive criticism.” In an interview with Mike Fleiss to attracting attention, most people
They don’t make it about the coffee; (creator of the show), he describes a are looking for more. They want a
they make it about the experience. contestant’s behaviour: “Night one, connection and that comes through VAN SCHAIK BOOKSTORE
Think of the cultural icon, Bob they’ll come up to me and say, ‘Mike, experiences that communicate the
Marley. He was far more than a oh, thank you sir, for this wonderful values, purpose, personality and
musician; he was a charismatic opportunity.’ And by night two, they’re behaviour of the brand. Only when the PREFERRED TEXTBOOK SUPPLIER TO
storyteller. In an article from Rolling ordering people around.” brand's story truly resonates with the
Stone Magazine’s ‘Band of the Year’, In that iercely competitive consumer will it become the chosen IMM STUDENTS
they capture his powerful presence: environment, it might seem an one.
“You only have to see him on stage, attractive option for contestants to tell We also stock stationery, tablets,
a dancing dervish, dreadlocks a story that is not truly relective of The Bachelor SA starts on Valentine’s
windmilling, to realise that here is a who they are. The problem is that the Day. laptops, phones & lifestyle items.
rock & roll star.” authenticity of their story is easily lost
But, there are many more
storytelling platforms available, over Karen Zimelka Roos, a tutor and
facilitator at the IMM Graduate
and above social media. The voice over School, is an authority on strategic — Stores conveniently located countrywide
the phone, the guy serving you a meal, communications and extremely — Direct Sales Consultants servicing niche markets
the product placement in a soap opera successful at imparting her hard- Rewards program with access to freebies, special
offers, competitions and more
– they all have a role to play. won knowledge. She has over 20 — Order your prescribed textbooks hosted *online at
years' experience in lecturing
In the case of The Bachelor, as various marketing and brand
mentioned in the second lesson, the communications courses for a
contestants need to have listened range of tertiary institutions as *for South African students only
carefully, dug deeper and observed well as extensive experience as a
facilitator for big-brand clients such
both the bachelor and their competition as the SABC, Discovery, Vodacom,
to be able to tell their own engaging Woolworths, Nedbank, Media 24,
and transparent story. BASF and Tiger Brands.
For online enquiries:
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