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  Pizza brand
   rolls out a
  tasty Africa
brand strategy

   Since returning to Africa in 2014, global fast-
food chain Pizza Hut has accelerated its African

   expansion strategy, which now extends to 11
countries. The secret is a tailored local approach.

                                                                                                                                   Above: Limited local competition has helped
                                                                                                                                   Pizza Hut push strongly into African markets.
                                                                                                                                   Left: Localised product offerings are a key part
                                                                                                                                   of the strategy. But global favourites such as
                                                                                                                                   Cheesy Bites remain on the menu

T HE WELL-KNOWN AMERICAN                       African comeback. In May, Pizza Hut
          fast-food franchise exited its sole  celebrated opening in Tanzania – its 100th
          African market (South Africa)        country globally – followed rapidly by
in 2008 when its sit-down pizza dining         entry into its 101st market, Ghana, and
concept fell flat with local consumers.        the 102nd, Uganda.
Two years’ ago the brand came back
strongly with a revised strategy that              Next on the list, Africa GM Randall
emphasises smaller stores, home                Blackford tells Strategic Marketing Africa, is
deliveries and takeaways.                      probably Botswana. The West African region
                                               will, however, be an important priority, given
    This, plus a locally-focused approach,     the company’s first foray into the region via
has seemingly created a successful             the recent store opening in Ghana.

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