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Airbnb listings in Morocco have                                                             Tshifhiwa
almost doubled, with more than 3 000                                                        Tshivhengwa … All
in the city of Marrakesh alone                                                              accommodation
                                                                                            providers must
                                                                                            play by the
                                                                                            same rules

‘self-employed’ on their Airbnb profile than  US$450-million in direct revenue to Airbnb    against any technology that is introduced –
any other profession. We want to help         each year. The amount excludes money          provided it follows all required legislations
empower people across the continent           hotel guests are likely to spend on food      from national, provincial and local
to make extra income while providing          and beverages during their stay.              government. Our concern is that Airbnb
travellers with authentic experiences.”                                                     does not seem to be operating under any
                                                  Commenting on the report, Egyptian        legislation or regulations.”
    Airbnb’s high hopes for Africa are, he    hospitality consultant and founder of
continues, further supported by the unique, Ahmed Mahmoud,              Among the regulations controlling the
nature of many of the activities available.   says although it focuses on New York          formal hospitality industry, but not, he says,
“African experiences are diverse and many     the study gives a strong indication of the    necessarily adhered to by Airbnb hosts
are truly life-changing. Think, for example,  impact of Airbnb for the hotel industry       are: issues around business zoning; liquor
of tracking gorillas in the Rwandan           at large. The site has quickly become a       licenses; health and safety procedures; tax
rainforests and sand-boarding in Namibia.     threat to hotels as an increasing number      compliance; and various local bylaws.
We encourage travellers to parts of the       of travellers choose to book with the ever-
continent that have been overlooked in the    growing list of independent hosts on the          “It is important that all commercial
past; places that offer experiences that      website rather than with traditional hotels.  short-term accommodation providers play
have transformative effects on people.                                                      by the same rules,” says Tshivhengwa.
The potential for growth because of this is       It is difficult for hotels to compete     “Fedhasa will continue to lobby
bigger in Africa than in most other places    because Airbnb is able to scale supply at     government to ensure that the laws that
in the world.”                                minimal cost and because the site offers      govern the accommodation sector be
                                              such diversity of options.                    applied to Airbnb.”
    It seems, then, that African
entrepreneurs and those in the tourism            Although there are no figures available       The future of the sharing economy –
industry should welcome Airbnb. It is, says   to measure the impact of Airbnb on the        an economic model in which individuals
the company and its hosts, encouraging        accommodation industry in Africa as yet,      are able to borrow or rent assets owned
more people to visit the continent, many      the Federated Hospitality Association         by someone else and for which Airbnb is
of whom are young and likely to come          of Southern Africa (Fedhasa) is alarmed       something of a poster child – is uncertain.
back again in future – possibly with bigger   enough to have begun preparing an             For many, it holds the key to generating
travelling budgets.                           impact study.                                 increased income. For some, it is integral to
                                                                                            building massively profitable businesses.
Opposing voices                                   “The fact that Airbnb is operating here
                                              means that bed nights are being taken             For others, it represents unassailable
But not everyone is welcoming. A study        away from the formal accommodation            competition and threatens the status
conducted in New York City last year found    industry,” says the Chief Executive Officer   quo. Time will tell how markets will
that hotels in that area lose approximately   of Fedhasa, Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa.            respond and whose business models
                                              “As an industry association, we are not       will flourish.

                                                                                            Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 37
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