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Above: Airbnb website. Right: An international
advertising campaign for Airbnb

T ANZANIAN SAFARI GUIDE                         three Malaysians who arrived intending to       Arusha to an increasing number of
          and conservationist, Godwin           spend only one night in Arusha. Ten days        younger travellers. The city has a
          Ndosi, was struggling to put his      later they left, having written a glowing       population of around 400 000 and is
BSc degree in Wildlife Tourism to work          Airbnb review about their experience.           located in the east of the country, where it
when he first heard about short-term                                                            is a key gateway to the popular Northern
accommodation listing and booking                   They were delighted by the quality and      Safari Circuit.
website, Airbnb. Little over a year later,      cost of the accommodation, as well as the
the entrepreneurial 24-year-old has built       delicious meals cooked by Ndosi’s friendly          “Many hotels and lodges are expensive
two successful, symbiotic businesses in         family. They also rated him ‘number one         in Africa, which discourages young
his home city of Arusha.                        guide for Tanzanian tours’.                     travellers with small budgets from coming
                                                                                                here,” he says. “Airbnb not only makes it
    A local company called Touch Tanzania           Since then, he has become a so-called       more affordable, but it is also a platform
Tours provides a steady stream of tourists      Superhost. This means he has hosted             that younger people are comfortable with.
on guided visits to places such as the          more than 10 groups of guests, maintained       They like the idea of staying with locals.
Serengeti, Zanzibar, Mount Kilimanjaro          a 90% response rate or higher, received         We are seeing many more young tourists
and the Ngorongoro Crater. Ndosi’s              five-star reviews at least 80% of the times     in Tanzania and I think this has a lot to do
home – listed with Airbnb – provides            he has been evaluated by guests, and            with Airbnb.”
them with accommodation and                     has completed all confirmed reservations
traditional Maasai hospitality.                                                                     Ndosi’s view coincides with the findings
                                                It had not occurred                             of a recent study into Africa’s hospitality
    His introduction to the global website      to Ndosi to offer                               and tourism industry by professional
was by chance: “It had not occurred to          lodging to tourists                             services company, Grant Thornton, which
me to offer accommodation,” he says.                                                            found that ‘there is a dearth of hotels
“Visitors to the area traditionally stayed      without cancelling. As a result, he’s not only  serving a budget-conscious yet standards-
at one of the local hotels or lodges, which     generating increasing income and growing        hungry market’ on the continent.
had the monopoly in the hospitality             his company, he’s also encouraging others
market. But, when something went wrong          in his community to open their homes to         Not only young visitors
with a tourist’s reservation in town, I         guests via Airbnb. There are now more than
invited him to stay at the house I share        170 accommodation listings for Arusha on        But Airbnb guests are not limited to young
with my parents. He enjoyed it and told         the website.                                    travellers. Pharmacist Corinna Durocher,
me I should list the room with Airbnb to                                                        who lives in La Gaulette on the southwest
supplement my income. I had no idea                 But what Ndosi finds most encouraging       coast of the island of Mauritius, was the
what that was, but looked into it.”             about Airbnb is that it has introduced          first in her region to list her apartment on
                                                                                                Airbnb in 2012 on the recommendation of
    Ndosi became an accredited host in                                                          an American friend. She is also a Superhost
March 2015 and his first guests were                                                            and, despite marketing her accommodation

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