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  Getting to
know Africa’s

generation of


      Today they’re youngsters. Tomorrow
  they’re your customers. We take a look at

     what marketers can expect of Africa’s
   up-and-coming Generation Z consumers.

W ITH THE MOST RESEARCHED                         Nigerian market development and              But there are other characteristics
                generation in history, the    business management specialist, Adebayo      that distinguish Gen Z from previous
                Millennials (those born       Alonge, says of Gen Z: “As digital natives,  generations. “Entrepreneurship is in their
between 1980 and 2000) soon to also           they live in the technology, social media    DNA,” says a 2015 study by New York-
become the world’s most powerful              and Internet ecosystem. Since they live in   based advertising agency Sparks & Honey,
consumers in terms of buying power,
forward-thinking marketers are now            They are a generation                            Alonge concurs: “Nigerian youths do
looking ahead to the next important           of game-changers for                         not have ambitions to be owners of banks
group: Generation Z.                          the African continent                        or to make ‘small money’ in careers as
                                                                                           white-collar workers,” he says. “They
    Indeed, Gen Z as it is known – young      this ecosystem, it cannot be said that they  seek to make wealth quickly by creating
people aged around 5-20 (there are several    are distracted by it; they simply do not     things like their own music labels and
different definitions, but this range covers  know any other way of life.”                 technology start-ups.” 
most) – is heralded ‘a game-changing
generation’ because of how convincingly                                                        According to the Sparks & Honey
influenced it is by technology, most notably                                               study, Gen Z is hungrier for education and
the Internet and mobile connectivity.                                                      knowledge than preceding generations.
                                                                                           Social media is considered a key research

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