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Around the same time, he began              encourage more Africans, including small-     in America have long needed to see
exporting to other countries with children      medium-sized businesses, to get their         dolls that represent their likenesses and
of African heritage, and has also created       goods to market in America.                   experiences, and the market appears to
an online portal to make it easier for                                                        be ready for Queens of Africa.”
global consumers to access the product.             The roadshow, Okaya says, was
Customers can buy the dolls from the            largely driven by a desire to have a meet-        He continues: “What was amazing
Queens of Africa website for prices             and-greet with the dolls’ fan base. “They     about our visit was the number of kids and
starting at US$24.99, or through global         have shown us tremendous love and             adults alike who couldn’t wait to buy the
online retailer Amazon in the US and in         support over the past year. The dolls are     dolls. We also attended toy fairs where
five other countries. He is also in talks       more than moulded plastic to us and to        we could meet with retailers. Our ultimate
with several other e-commerce sites.            them – we aim to empower and enlighten        goal is for our dolls to be sold by the major
                                                people that come into contact with our        stores in the US and we will continue to
Seeking global scale                            dolls. The tour gave us the opportunity to    work on this in the coming months.”
                                                interact with customers and share more
Indeed, given the difficult economic climate    insight about the goal of the whole project,      One of the reasons Okoya is keen on
in Nigeria, the need to drive sales in other    which is to empower girls of African          the US market is because, he says, it is
markets has become more urgent. Queens          descent to be proud about who they            structured in a highly efficient manner that
of Africa now has representatives in the        are and their heritage.”                      allows retailers to reach more consumers.
African nations of Senegal and Benin, as                                                      “In Nigeria, apart from the more middle-
well as in France, the UK and Australia.        Various African                               class [chain] stores such as Shoprite
                                                ethnicities are                               and Game, it’s difficult to be present in
    “We are looking at getting more             part of the range                             multiple locations across several states.
representation in as many countries as                                                        The US has that distribution network
possible,” says Okoya. “In general, the             Okoya continues: “One highlight           and [it] is immensely powerful.”
increase we have seen in sales has been         of the roadshow was that good sales
a result of moving into new markets.            figures were achieved. The reaction to            He also plans to introducing more
Thanks to expansion, we achieved 10%            the product was encouraging. Black girls      ‘Queens’ representing additional African
growth in 2016.”                                                                              countries. But is quick to point out: “As
                                                                                              much as we aim to empower children of
    Okoya believes that, so far, the Queens                                                   African descent, our dolls are not only for
of Africa brand has only scratched the                                                        Africans. We have girls of different races
surface. “As people get to know more                                                          all over the world who love them.”
about our products through word of mouth,
sales have grown. But significant future        Taofick Okoya during an
growth is dependent on securing new             interview with Roberta Edu
customers in other parts of the world.”         of the Skytrend News
                                                portal in Nigeria
    As part of the international expansion
drive, Okoya has been diligent about
depicting multiple African ethnicities,
as well as a variety of traditional hairstyles
– from braids to afros – and realistic
African features.

US roadshow

He recently completed a roadshow in the
US, stopping in New York, Chicago, Los
Angeles, Washington DC and Houston to
meet with potential buyers in an effort to
expand the Queens of Africa footprint.

    It’s a timely move and takes advantage
of the African Growth and Opportunity
Act (Agoa), a piece of US legislation that
provides duty-free market access to
the United States for qualifying sub-
Saharan African countries. The US trades
extensively with Nigeria and the current
administration has stated its desire to

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