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   The vital                                                                                 Port Louis, capital of Mauritius.
 importance                                                                                  It is the only African nation to
  of making                                                                                  make it into the top 50 countries
business easy                                                                                worldwide when it comes to
                                                                                             ease of doing businesss

‘Ease of doing business’ is one of the challenges
    of Africa and impacts everything from the

ability of marketers to export/import products
   efficiently, to the willingness of retailers and
  manufacturers to operate in certain regions.
           We investigate the state of play.

D OING BUSINESS IN AFRICA IS                   It was followed in Africa by Rwanda           Morocco’s
            tough. It is a statement that’s    (ranked 62nd), Botswana (ranked               Tangier-Med is
            repeated frequently for good       72nd) and South Africa, Africa’s largest      Africa’s largest
reason. But it is but one that should also     economy, ranked 73rd – way down from          container port
be tempered with some reality, some            the 33rd place it occupied in 2010.           and is helping the
experts believe.                                                                             country to attract
                                                   Among the 50 worst performing             major international
    “Rewind 15 years and you realise           countries in the world, 30 were African –     investment
how much progress has been made in             and in company with the likes of war-torn
many African countries,” says Michael          Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan. Among
Lalor, Africa Business Centre Leader for       major African economies faring especially
professional services firm EY (formerly        dismally are Angola (181st), Nigeria (169th)
Ernst & Young). In further defence of the      and Algeria (163rd).
continent, Lalor continues: “People have
a generally bad perception of Africa and           Nigeria, which briefly held the title of
look for things to reinforce their view. In    Africa’s largest economy, falls short in a
reality, few emerging markets are easy         number of key areas, not least availability
to do business in.”                            of electricity – where it ranks 182nd in the
                                               world. To simply gain access to an erratic
    He makes valid points. But there is        mains electricity supply in Lagos, Nigeria’s
no escaping the reality that Africa’s 54       commercial capital, takes almost seven
countries by-and-large perform abysmally       months, notes the World Bank.
in the World Bank’s benchmark annual
Ease of Doing Business study. The 2016             “Businesses can’t operate in Nigeria
study spans 189 countries, ranking them        without their own generation ability,”
on 11 criteria including starting a business,  observes Helmut Engelbrecht, Head of
obtaining construction permits, electricity    Investment Banking in Africa at Standard
supply, registering property, cross-border     Bank Group, Africa’s largest bank with
trading, enforcing contracts and labour        operations in 20 sub-Saharan countries
market regulation.                             including Nigeria and Angola. The
                                               economic damage resulting from the
    Only Mauritius, ranked 32nd, made          electricity shortage is huge. According
it into the top 50 countries worldwide.        to a Nigerian government estimate,

20 strategicmarketingafrica Issue 4 2016
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