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scope of the World Bank’s ease of doing
business criteria.

Logistics of doing business                    Airport in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. An ‘open skies’ policy in
                                               more African countries would improve ease of doing business
Businesses also face big shortcomings
in what Greg Nott, head of global law              Africa is paying the price. According      Business travel is
firm Norton Rose Fulbright’s Africa            to the African Development Bank Group,         impacted by poor
practice, terms the ‘logistics of doing        transport costs in many parts of the           air links in Africa
business’. Some would seem simple to           continent increase the prices of goods
overcome, among them visa requirements         by up to 75%.
for business travel. “Visas represent a
very real constraint on doing business in      Why Mauritius?                                     Mauritius’ government continues            PHOTOS: ISTOCKPHOTO, GETTY/GALLO IMAGES
Africa,” he tells Strategic Marketing Africa.                                                 to forge ahead with policies aimed at
                                               The question most African countries must       enhancing the country’s business-friendly
    Air travel connectivity within Africa is   ask is: what makes Mauritius so successful?    regulations. Among measures announced
also challenging. “It limits business travel                                                  in the 2016 national budget is accelerating
to usually no more than two countries a            Nott sums it up: “It is political will to  the issue of building and land use permits,
week,” explains Engelbrecht.                   make Mauritius a world class business-         as well as the removal of constraints
                                               friendly country. It has filtered down to the  around property development schemes.
    At the heart of the problem is             country’s citizens, who are determined to      The government is also implementing
protection of state-owned domestic             keep that profile and improve on it.”          an open skies policy for airlines.
carriers. “There is a lack of political will
to work towards an open skies policy,”             The island nation has already achieved     Morocco looks abroad
according to Otto de Vries, CEO of             huge success in developing itself as an
the Association of Southern African            international financial services hub. As a     However, Mauritius is not the only
Travel Agents.                                 measure of this success, the Mauritius         African country striving to increase its
                                               International Financial Services Centre is     attractiveness to foreign investors. Among
    Benefits of an African open skies          one of only five in the world to be awarded    countries pulling out the stops is Morocco
policy would be immense. Reflecting this       ‘white list’ status by the Organisation for    in North Africa.
is a 2015 study by the International Air       Economic Cooperation and Development
Transport Association (IATA) covering 12       (OECD) for achieving the highest                   The country’s efforts began in earnest
countries including Nigeria, Egypt, South      standards demanded.                            in 2006, when it signed an open skies
Africa, Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya.                                                    treaty with the European Union. Results
                                                   Another big drawcard is a business-        have been exceptional, with traffic
    Liberalisation would, notes IATA,          friendly tax regime. “For individuals and      between Morocco and the EU growing
lead to an 81% increase in traffic flows       local companies the tax rate is a flat 15%,    122% between 2005 and 2015, to a total
between the 12 countries within two            while for global companies the tax rate        of 12-million passengers. This growth is
to three years, generate an additional         ranges from zero to 3%,” says Peter Searra,    almost double the 66,8% rise in global
US$1,3-billion in annual GDP and create        owner of a distribution firm on the island.    passenger traffic reported by IATA during
155 000 new jobs. Airfares between the                                                        the same period.
12 countries would fall by between 25%             Searra is also a director of the Indian
and 37%.                                       Ocean Marketing Association (IOMA).                Morocco’s Minister of Industry, Trade
                                               In Mauritius, the association’s aim is         and New Technologies, Abdelkader
    Businesses operating in Africa also face   to provide 60 000 small- and medium-           Amara, has emphasised that the country is
challenges on the ground. Among them,          size businesses with marketing skills          aggressively positioning itself as an African
says Nott, is traffic congestion in major      needed to take them into export markets,
business centres such as Nairobi, Lagos        says Searra.
and Luanda. “There is a huge accessibility
problem,” he stresses. For example, it can
take up to four hours to travel the 14km
between Nairobi’s airport and its CBD.

Road and rail

Moving goods across Africa is also a
major business constraint. Other than
in Southern and North Africa, vastly
inadequate rail capacity has placed
the burden on a far from satisfactory
intercontinental road system.

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