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receptionist, the owner’s husband walked
                                                                       past. I spoke to him and he suggested I go
                                                                       and try it on my own and if I needed help
                                                                       he would always be available.

                                                                       So how did you get the
                                                                       business started?
                                                                       When I returned home I tried to get
                                                                       funding to do it on my own. There were a
                                                                       lot of hiccups and I wasn’t able to. While I
                                                                       was going through this process, I was still
                                                                       in touch with Young Chefs, and eventually
                                                                       they told me I could have the franchise.

                                                                           This was in 2009. In 2010 the first
                                                                       Young Chefs Academy outside the US
                                                                       was launched.

                                                                       We market via
                                                                       and activities

Far left: The Academy     be a great idea. I tell people that ‘youth   As an African business, how do you
has a range of different  cooking’ is a tool to equip children with    make best use of the support you
product offerings         life skills.                                 get from the US?
including weekly                                                       There are challenges around the
classes, holiday camps    You’re part of an American franchise;        curriculum, because most of the material
and children’s parties    how did you manage that?                     I receive from head office needs to be
Left: One Modisane        In 2008, I completed a Bachelor of           adapted to an African environment and
working with her young    Education with majors in special education   to suit the children I work with.
charges. Material from    and home economics. While in my final
the US franchisor needs   year I thought: “What am I going to              I change a lot of the recipes I get from
to be adapted to an       do? What is my next step?” I started         the US to incorporate fresh local produce
African environment       researching opportunities and came           and locally available food products. I
Above: Modisane’s         across Young Chefs Academy in the US.        also need to make seasonal adaptations,
ultimate goal is to take  I contacted them and asked if I could run    because when it is summer here it is
Young Chefs Academy       a franchise in Botswana, but they turned     winter there. But I do find them very
across Africa             me down.                                     supportive, considering the different
                                                                       market I’m working in.
                              When I finished varsity, I took a trip
                          to the States and visited their head office  You have a very successful enterprise;
                          in Waco, Texas. I arrived without an         what is your marketing strategy?
                          appointment and, while chatting to the       I cannot afford to pay for advertising, so
                                                                       I do demonstrations and exhibitions at
                                                                       special events, on national holidays and
                                                                       at celebrations.

                                                                           Last year we did a giant cupcake
                                                                       mosaic, which was me trying to attract
                                                                       media attention. Other strategies I use are
                                                                       to run a kitchen at schools or run all-day
                                                                       events working with the children. Word-
                                                                       of-mouth is working well for us, so we
                                                                       ensure our service is always at its best as

                                                                       Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 27
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