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CHARACTERISTICS                               Gen Z girls use mobile technology to
                                              connect with others near Degan in Ethiopia

The following are important
characteristics of the Generation Z
group of consumers:
¦	 Connected to technology and
	 connected to one another by
	 the same technology.
¦	 Influenced by people that they
	 admire and their contemporaries,
	 but also influential themselves.
¦	 Entrepreneurial, creative and
	 keen collaborators.
¦	 Expect to be entertained.
¦	 Inspired by images, sound and
	 video; but keep it simple.
¦	 Care about the environment.
¦	 Are liberal, impatient and
	 frequently outspoken.

Source: Adebayo Alonge, Addis
Alemayehou and Ranjana Foogooa

your message. Influencers also play an        still at a nascent stage when building their  marketing strategies at women as the         PHOTOS: ISTOCKPHOTO
important part in young Nigerian’s lives.     marketing strategy around Gen Z.”             primary decision-makers in homes.
Use influencers – particularly musicians –
to deliver messages via social media.”            Among those businesses that are               Foogooa, whose company provides a
                                              successfully communicating with this          wide range of marketing services, from
    Foogooa agrees that influencers –         audience in Mauritius are restaurants         research and strategy to implementation,
mostly celebrities such as models, singers    Ocean Basket Mauritius and Moka’z.            is excited by the future and what it means
and actors, but also popular vloggers (video  Their campaigns, largely carried by social    to communicate with this group.
bloggers) and Instagrammers – play a          media, are lively, engaging and relevant
persuasive role in young Mauritians’ lives.   to the demands and desires of Gen Z.              “Targeted and intelligent marketing
                                                                                            has to be put in place to understand the
    “But they are also influencers            Generation Zs are                             behaviour of Gen Z. What they do, where
themselves,” she adds. “Parents tend to       considered to be                              they are at what time, what platforms they
ask this generation their opinion before      powerful influencers                          use to communicate, what they search
buying anything. They influence household                                                   for, which platforms allow for accurate
purchases, not only because they are              In Ethiopia, the brands that are          targeting, which apps they interact with,
the most connected generation, but also       targeting Gen Z include Coca Cola, cereal     and so on,” she says.
because they are confident about what         and snack food producer Enrich Agro           “One simple change can make a huge
they want and more outspoken than             Industry, and fruit juice company Prigat      difference towards building brand
previous generations.”                        Juice. But, says Alemayehou, Ethiopian        loyalty and inspiring Gen Z. This can be
                                              companies are still largely directing their   a straightforward change such as using
Who is getting it right?                                                                    the local language for communication. Of
                                                               Like us on Facebook:         course, every strategy has to go hand-in-
“Marketers who’ve done their homework                          Strategic Marketing          hand with the brand positioning and overall
well are definitely excited about Gen Z                        Africa Magazine              brand objective.”
in Mauritius,” says Foogooa. “We have
clients who have built complete retail                                                                     For daily marketing
concepts around the generation. However,                                                                   news updates, go to
there is huge opportunity to exploit this                                                        
segment. While most of us are aware of
their influence, many retail companies are

32 strategicmarketingafrica Issue 4 2016
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