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Tourists explore a volcano on Reunion,                                                      Nicola D’Elia …
off the coast of Africa. Airbnb has                                                         Entrepreneurship is a
grown strongly on the island                                                                common thread that unites
                                                                                            the Airbnb community

on several other online platforms, relies     and freedom they have at home when they       for the Middle East and Africa, Nicola        PHOTOS: ISTOCKPHOTO, GETTY/GALLO IMAGES, SUPPLIED
on Airbnb for 80% of her bookings.            travel. They want the liberty of preparing    D’Elia, visited Nairobi for the Global
                                              their own meals rather than being limited     Entrepreneurship Summit in July last year.
    “Guests who come via Airbnb are           by a hotel menu. Many, myself included,
very diverse. I recently hosted a 70-year-    like having more space and a more homely          D’Elia was previously responsible for
old from Switzerland,” she says. “What        feeling than many hotel rooms allow.”         Facebook’s expansion in Europe, the
distinguishes Airbnb travellers is that they                                                Middle East and Africa. His appointment
have different expectations from those            Essentially, believes Msipa, travellers   and the subsequent assembly of a
who book hotels. They look for interesting    are seeking comfort and flexibility at        marketing team that includes former
local experiences rather than a relaxing      reasonable prices, which is one of the        Marketing Manager of Cape Town
stay in a hotel. They are more adventurous    reasons Airbnb is increasingly popular and    Tourism, Velma Corcoran, who is now
than typical tourists and like unusual        why it is likely to continue to grow across   Airbnb’s Regional Market Consultant for
things. I have met the most interesting       the continent.                                Southern Africa, has already born fruit.
people because of the site.
                                              The lifestyles, tastes                            While South Africa continues to host
    “But, certainly, Airbnb gives younger     and choices of tourists                       the largest Airbnb community in Africa,
people more opportunities to travel           have shifted markedly                         listings in Morocco have almost doubled,
because of access to inexpensive                                                            with more than 3 000 listings in the
accommodation. I think younger travellers         The brand, which was founded in the       city of Marrakesh alone. Kenya has also
are also drawn to the site because every      US city of San Francisco in 2008, has         seen strong growth and has almost
experience is different, while hotels are     big plans for Africa, where its listings are  3 000 properties listed, which is a 135%
basically all similar.”                       well in excess of 40 000. Although some       increase from a year ago. Homeowners
                                              homeowners across the continent – most        in Mauritius, Madagascar, Reunion and
    Zimbabwean businesswoman and              notably in South Africa, Morocco and          Seychelles are also increasingly turning
Airbnb host, Bernie Msipa – whose one-        Kenya – have listed their accommodation       to the website to rent accommodation.
bedroom apartment in Harare is popular        on the site for several years, the online
among business and leisure travellers –       rental company expressed its ambition         Entrepreneurial attitude
believes the site’s success is also due       to significantly increase business on
to a change in trends.                        continent when Chief Executive Officer        Among the things Airbnb believes will
                                              Brian Chesky and General Manager              drive growth on the continent is the largely
    “It is my experience that people’s                                                      entrepreneurial attitude of its people.
lifestyles, tastes and preferences have
shifted and the hospitality industry has                                                        “Entrepreneurship is a common thread
not been spared,” says the Institute of                                                     that unites the Airbnb community across
Marketing Management (IMM) graduate.                                                        the globe,” says D’Elia. “More hosts in
“People want the kind of independence                                                       key African regions identify with the status

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