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tool and they multi-task across five           Certainly, Gen Z’s global preferences       Mauritius, which are quite different to
screens at once.                           for communication, research and                 those in other countries,” says Ranjana
                                           purchasing are defined by technology.           Foogooa, Managing Director of Mauritian
    The study also found Gen Z lacks       But what about those who live in countries      digital marketing agency, Sphere Media
situational awareness because they         – including many in Africa – that do            Technologies. “We should also not
rely on devices to give them directions.   not provide easy access to the kind of          forget the buying power of the classes in
That’s not to say they’re provincially     technology that shapes the lives of Gen         Mauritius, which contributes to whether
bound; their social circles are global.    Z in other places? What about those who         or not young people have smartphone
Gen Z likes to make things and co-create,  cannot afford the necessary devices and         and data packages.”
but they are physically less active than   data? Does this make Gen Z any less
other generations.                         significant to marketers in those countries?        But where Mauritian Gen Zs are
                                                                                           connected via smartphones, there is,
    Importantly for marketers, though,     Technology matters, but                         she says, little difference between
they are agile and fast when it comes      there’s more to it                              them and their contemporaries in many
to communicating. They also use more                                                       other countries.
visuals to converse than did previous      “The average age in Ethiopia is 17-years-
generations. They like to shop online      old, so you’ve picked the perfect place             “They are the first to adopt new
and they expect quick delivery.            for the story,” says CEO of Addis               technology and we see this group as the
                                           Ababa-based communications and public           influencers,” explains Foogooa. “They
                                           relations company, 251 Communications,          react very fast to messages, promotions,
                                           Addis Alemayehou. “What’s more, 54%             and even social and political happenings.
                                           of the population is under the age of 20,       They feel empowered to share their views
                                           which makes it an important sector for          in all sectors and use social media to voice
                                           marketers to engage with and build              their opinions.”
                                           brands around.”
                                                                                           The power of influence
                                               One of the things that distinguish
                                           Ethiopian youth from those in other places      Globally, Gen Zs are considered powerful
                                           is, he says, limited online activity due to     influencers. Because they are entirely
                                           low Internet penetration. There are only        at ease with technology, their opinions
                                           3,7-million Internet users in the country,      influence household buying decisions.
                                           which equates to 3,6% of the population.        However, they also rely heavily on
                                                                                           the opinions and approval of their
                                           Their adoption of                               contemporaries and idols.
                                           technology may
                                           vary by country                                     “Before adopting change, Ethiopian
                                                                                           youngsters first need to see someone else
                                           So, while members of the country’s Gen Z        they value, and are close to, accepting the
                                           are eager to participate in social media, it’s  change,” observes Alemayehou. “This
                                           not easy to do.                                 person could be a friend, a family member
                                                                                           or someone else they look up to. Gen Zs
                                               Access to technology is limited,”           are always seeking approval. Whatever
                                           agrees Alemayehou. “But bear in mind            change they accept has to look good in
                                           that Ethiopia has high potential for            the eyes of others.”
                                           economic growth, which means this might
                                           change soon.”                                       Nigeria has an Internet penetration
                                                                                           of 46,1%. According to a statement
                                               Although there is much higher Internet      released by Facebook earlier this year,
                                           penetration in Mauritius, where 42,5% of        it has 16-million active users in Nigeria,
                                           the population has online access, young         7,2-million of whom visit Facebook each
                                           Mauritians are also less widely influenced      day – 97% of those access the social
                                           by technology than members of Gen Z in          media site via mobile devices. As such,
                                           highly developed countries.                     says Alonge, the best way to deliver
                                                                                           content to Nigerian youngsters is via social
                                               “We need to take into consideration         media to handheld mobile devices. But
                                           lifestyle and cultural aspects of Gen Z in      take care of how it is done.

                                                                                               “Allow feedback and engagement,”
                                                                                           he advises. “Listen and let them elect
                                                                                           their own champions to propagate

                                                                                           Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 31
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