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A DDIS ALEMAYEHOU IS CEO                        A busy street in Addis Ababa. Too many
            of Ethiopian-based marketing,       foreign brands have preconceived ideas about
            public relations and branding firm  what to expect from Ethiopian consumers
251 Communications, which stresses
the importance of integrating cultural
trends with contemporary branding and
advertising. He spoke to Knowledge@
Wharton, the online journal of the
University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton
business school.

Tell us your story. You were a
pioneer in leaving Ethiopia and
then coming back.
I’ve been back for about 15 years, part of
the first wave of Ethiopians returning. I left
Ethiopia when I was seven or eight and
grew up in Kenya. I finished high school
in the US and then emigrated to Canada.
I came back to Ethiopia in 2001.

Why was it important for you to                 We provide support                            That’s how we launched our firm as a
return to Ethiopia?                             for clients coming                            360-degree branding communications and
That’s a question that always comes             into the country                              PR agency. We’ve now expanded that into
up. For people who move back now, it’s                                                        doing consumer insight and research, and
probably very obvious why they’re back.         That’s a really good metaphor. Tell           providing logistic support for clients that
It was a different story for me because         us more about 251 Communications:             are coming into the country.
outside Ethiopia there was always one           what it does and where it started.
question I got asked everywhere I went          251 started about four years ago. Prior       What are some of the challenges for
and that was: ‘Where are you from?’             to that I was an employee, a contractor       foreign companies coming into Ethiopia?
When I went back home in 2000 on                supporting Ethiopian exports to the           The biggest challenge is perception before
vacation, that was the one question             US. For about five years my job was to        people even get here. They have this
nobody ever asked me. That basically            promote the best Ethiopia has to offer in     preconceived idea about what they should
did it.                                         clothes, textiles, shoes and flowers. We      expect when they land on the ground. The
                                                did trade shows over a couple of years. It    second is a lack of information with regard to
Were you an entrepreneur from the               was an ideal position for me to understand    the opportunities, as well as the challenges.
start when you moved back? What                 the opportunities within the private sector,  Third is the fact that it’s a very old country.
were some of the business and                   the challenges within the private sector,     We’ve been around for 3 000 years; the US
leadership things you took on when              and also build a very good network with       is like a teenager compared to us.
you first came back to Ethiopia?                the public sector and with the government
Some people are born entrepreneurs and          at the highest level.                             We’ve never been colonised. We have
I think I’ve always been one. You can tell                                                    our own language, our own way of telling
this to my father now that I’m older and            Our economy has been growing in           time. Our New Year is September 11; our
wiser: my first business venture was sort       double digits for a number of years. We       Christmas is January 6. It’s 2007 right
of stealing my dad’s car and providing          had the likes of Heineken, Unilever and       now. These are all different things about
nightclub services to friends in Nairobi        P&G coming into the market. That offered      the country that a lot of people don’t
during the weekends.                            an opportunity for communications,            know. Knowing that, understanding it and
                                                because there was about to be some            respecting it will get you a lot further.
    But I’ve always had ideas where             serious competition on the ground.
others didn’t. Africa, and obviously                                                              There are key parts of the economy
Ethiopia, offers a tremendous amount of                                                       that are closed and are not going to open
opportunity. I feel like the guy who made                                                     anytime soon. We have a very strong
the first chair because he got tired of
sitting on the floor. There are a lot of
chairs to be made on the continent.

                                                                                              Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 39
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