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Below: Eat a pepperoni pizza on the      Central to its entry into key African       nation might not have been the brand’s first
summit of Mount Kilimanjaro … Pizza  markets has, says Blackford, been the           choice. “But we had a franchise partner
Hut’s Africa GM, Randall Blackford,  South African operation. “South Africa has      come forward [there] and we signed a deal
and team                             been a good market for us, an attractive        with them and got started”.
                                     one. But the rest of Africa has been really
                                     good to us too,” he observes, reflecting on         The store has been a huge success. “I
                                     the brand’s African journey to date and his     think it’s a combination of a lot of African
                                     own earlier expectations that the African       nations being ready to take the next step
                                     operations would comprise 90% South             as consumers and wanting to get into big
                                     African exposure.                               brands. There’s also not a massive amount
                                                                                     of competition when you compare it to
                                         As things stand, it’s the rest of Africa    South Africa,” he says.
                                     that is providing the growth spurt. And it
                                     all started in Zambia.                              After Zambia, the chain pushed north
                                                                                     into Kenya, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana and
                                     Consumers want                                  Uganda. “We opened a store in Djibouti
                                     to get into the big                             (in the Horn of Africa), of all places, and
                                     international brands                            that has been doing really well,” says
                                                                                     Blackford. “We also have five outlets in
                                         “We started in Zambia a year-and-a-half     Mauritius, which have been around for a
                                     ago, [which] really wasn’t by design,” recalls  while. We are actively going as quickly
                                     Blackford, who admits the Southern African      as we can into all these countries.”

                                                                                         In addition, the company opened in
                                                                                     Mozambique a few months ago and
                                                                                     has operations in Egypt.

                                                                                     Hard lessons

                                                                                     Despite the accelerated push into Africa,
                                                                                     the ride has not been an easy one, reflects
                                                                                     Blackford. “Supply chain has been far and
                                                                                     away our biggest challenge. The good
                                                                                     thing is we have pretty much got in and
                                                                                     learnt along the way; but it’s a big up-front
                                                                                     cost for us.”

                                                                                         His comments are echoed by Louis
                                                                                     Venter, GM of Kuku Foods, KFC’s
                                                                                     operation in Tanzania. He noted ahead of
                                                                                     the first store opening in Dar es Salaam
                                                                                     in 2015 that “it is not an easy country to
                                                                                     import into. There is always a challenge”.

                                                                                         While Venter spoke of his interest
                                                                                     in expanding the use of local suppliers
                                                                                     to alleviate the dependence on South
                                                                                     Africa, Blackford is pragmatic about SA’s
                                                                                     importance in the Pizza Hut supply chain.

                                                                                         “When we came to South Africa we
                                                                                     said we had to develop a local supply
                                                                                     chain and we spent the first eight to 12
                                                                                     months setting up suppliers in South
                                                                                     Africa. That was, for us, the real benefit of
                                                                                     getting into South Africa first. Had we not
                                                                                     had SA it would have been a lot tougher,”
                                                                                     he says, noting the particular reliance on
                                                                                     South Africa in other southern African
                                                                                     countries, as well as the benefits of a
                                                                                     weaker SA currency.

                                                                                     Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 43
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