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strapline which stresses its long history in       Celebrating a high-profile and unique     In summary                                         PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
the local industry. Now the payoff line is     milestone such as this is an ideal way
‘Over a century of caring’.                    for enterprises and brands to generate        Careful planning is important in order to
                                               marketing sizzle.                             make the most of milestone marketing
    Given that Doves dates back to 1902                                                      strategies. Marketers must come up with
and most competitors were established          Attracting the right talent                   clear objectives, such as boosting sales
as recently as 1995, its marketers have a                                                    by a specific percentage. Then set a
unique selling point which no competitor       Winning awards for being an outstanding       budget that will enable the campaign to
can lay claim to.                              employer helps enterprises to attract star    roll out flawlessly and agree on the criteria
                                               talent. For example, one of Zimbabwe’s        to be used when judging the success of
Telling a brand’s history                      leading security companies, Securico          the campaign.
                                               Security Services, was adjudged the
Studies have established that 80% of           country’s seventh Best Employer in 2010           When basing a milestone marketing
new companies founder along the way.           and 2011 by the National Annual Quality       strategy on awards, it is important to
Every anniversary is, therefore, a reason      Awards (NAQA).                                clearly state the award and correctly give
to celebrate. One way of doing this is                                                       the award category. The Superbrand
to tell the marketplace the brand or               Whenever the brand interacts              awards have many categories and omitting
corporate story.                               with the market through print media           this makes the mention meaningless.
                                               marketing messages and staff bus livery,      Securico always gets this right.
    When Delta Corporation celebrated          it includes this fact, together with other
its centenary in 1999, for example, the        accolades such as the Africa Award for            If using anniversaries as a milestone
then conglomerate issued a publication         Entrepreneurship, which it won in 2011,       marketing strategy, clearly state the
which chronicled the history of its            and the Security Sector Superbrand of the     age of the brand or company by indicating
various subsidiaries such as Pelhams,          Year award which it won in 2012 and 2013.     the year of establishment and the current
OK Zimabwe and Zimbabwe Sun                                                                  year. Saying the brand is 70 years old and
(although it later sold these off in order to  Awards indicate                               was established in such-and-such a year
concentrate on its beverages business).        endorsement by                                is more meaningful to the market
This presented the company with a special      a neutral party                               than just giving its age. Creating a
opportunity to inform the market where it                                                    commemoration logo also makes the
came from and where it was headed.                 Although being ranked seventh is not      anniversary more memorable.
                                               something that many large organisations
    Similarly, when Seed Co, a                 such as Delta Corporation or Econet               Involve key stakeholders in celebrations
Zimbabwean seed company with interests         Wireless would proudly display, to            – people such as customers, staff, suppliers
in several other African countries,            Securico it is an achievement given its       and regulators – to show that the company
celebrated its 75th anniversary in February    size and relatively short history. This is    appreciates their contribution to the brand’s
2015, it used the occasion to run a print      especially so in a market where employer      long and successful existence.
media supplement in The Herald national        rankings are rarely exhibited.
daily newspaper. This narrated its history                                                                               Tendai Maguwu is
and explained the company’s strapline,             One of the issues that security industry                              Chief Service Officer
‘The African Seed Company’ through             customers worry about is the quality of                                   at Hwamanda
stories describing its operations in the       the security guards who are assigned to                                   Communications,
various African countries. This enabled        protect their assets. Securico’s display                                  a branding,
the market to understand that the payoff       of its employer ranking thus helps to                                     brand-building
line was not just a wish, but a reality. It    assure its customers that the company                                     and customer
also fostered better understanding of          treats its staff well. Employees who are                                  service consultancy
the company and brand.                         not properly treated usually vent their                                   based in Harare,
                                               frustration through shoddy service,                                       Zimbabwe. He holds
Creating marketing sizzle                      which mars the customer experience.           a BA in English and Communication
                                                                                             Studies from the University of Zimbabwe
An example of participating in true global                      Like us on Facebook:         and a Group Diploma in Advertising
brand sizzle occurred in 2015 when Coca-                        Strategic Marketing          from the London Chamber of
Cola and its bottlers throughout the world                      Africa Magazine              Commerce and Industry.
marked 100 years of the iconic contour
bottle. In Zimbabwe the celebrations                                                                        For daily marketing
were marked by a sales promotion named                                                                      news updates, go to
Coke Fever Fridays, during which 100                                                              
people won U$100 every Friday, plus
other prizes such as mobile phones
and T-shirts.

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