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Avoid scandals

 monitoring of
  your supply


   As supply chains become more complex and
legislators in many key countries demand greater
 transparency, companies operating in emerging

    markets need to ensure their operations are
       squeaky clean. By Tielman Nieuwoudt.

H ARDLY A MONTH GOES BY                      on the food labels, among them water         forced and child labour, which still remains  PHOTOS: GETTY/GALLO IMAGES, SUPPLIED
           without a multinational being     buffalo and donkey. Researchers became       prevalent in many emerging nations.
           tied to a supply chain scandal    interested only after the extent of the
somewhere in the world. Particularly in the  United Kingdom’s horse meat scandal              With such legislation comes the need
consumer goods industry, large corporates    became apparent                              for auditing, and many organisations
have been making the news for all the                                                     outsource to private auditors to inspect
wrong reasons – for example, slave labour        Beyond the brand implications,           factories and identify supply chain
in Thailand’s seafood industry.              legislation in Western countries is getting  infringements. Apple, for example,
                                             tougher with those companies that pay        recently declared that it audits 100% of
    For organisations working in Africa,     no more than lip service to supply chain     its supply chain for the use of conflict
poor transparency in the supply chain                                                     minerals tied to the eastern Congo.
can have serious implications for the        Apple audits 100%
reputation of a company if misdeeds          of its supply chain                              Nonetheless, a recent University of
come to light. These could include slave                                                  Sheffield study in the UK questioned the
labour on cocoa farms in Ivory Coast,        infringements. The Dodd-Frank Act in         effectiveness of audits for detecting,
textile companies struggling with child and  the US came into effect in 2010 with         reporting or correcting labour and
forced labour practices in Madagascar,       the aim of ensuring that products aren’t     environmental challenges in supply chains.
or technology companies making use of        tied to conflict minerals. In February this  Subcontractors are frequently overlooked
conflict minerals in eastern Congo.          year, the US Trade Facilitation and Trade    and auditors often serve their clients by
                                             Enforcement Act, and more recently the       turning the audit into a ‘business’ rather
    Despite the relative sophistication of   UK Modern Slavery Act, both became law.      than a rigorous and independent oversight.
its economy, South African companies         These pieces of legislation focus on ending
have also not been spared. In 2013, a                                                     Interest in labelling
Stellenbosch University study identified
that 60% of supermarket meat tested                                                       Accurate product labelling has also
included DNA of animal species not listed                                                 received renewed interest. South African
                                                                                          retail chains, for example, have been quick

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