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were looted in the first eight months of this                                     Far left:          some companies – an independent African
year alone. Only a fraction of these cases                                        Confrontational    beer brand would really struggle to stand
have been reported in the media.                                                  labour relations   out, for example.”
                                                                                  – such as this
    Malawian Sandras Phiri, founder                                               municipal              Jane Lyne-Kritzinger, Managing
and CEO of the Africa Trust Academy,                                              workers’           Director of Youth Dynamix, an agency
acknowledges the problems associated                                              strike – is one    that markets to younger consumers, says
with safety and security issues. Africans                                         of the biggest     brands can make inroads by emphasising
from elsewhere on the continent are                                               investment         heritage and national pride – for example,
aware of these challenges too, he says.                                           challenges. Left:  traditional African dress is hugely popular
                                                                                  Many African       and African designers do well in what is
    “Some feel that it is dangerous in                                            immigrants run     essentially a niche market.
South Africa because of the crime. My                                             hair salons in
company is registered in South Africa,                                            South Africa’s         “A smart strategy would be to build up
but we do work in Zambia, Malawi,                                                 townships          a strong social media presence, so younger
Ghana, Mozambique and lots of other                                                                  consumers will be interested,” she says,
African countries. When you are having         consumers. Indeed, country of origin is               adding that these consumers are generally
conversations there, people often ask          cited in some studies as being even more              hugely brand-conscious, materialistic and
you how you can survive in South Africa        important than other purchasing criteria              aspirational, and will not simply buy South
because of the crime,” he says. “Then          like price and quality.                               African or African products for the sake of it.
again, South Africans themselves are                                                                 “If your brand doesn’t catch their eye within
concerned and afraid of Nigeria, as well           Local brands dominate when it comes               10 seconds, it will vanish.”
as the risks that they believe exist in        to food and home products because
other African countries. It is a matter        consumers want to support local                           On the other hand, a new brand has an
of perception.”                                businesses and the economy – but they                 opportunity to make an impact as it has no
                                               prefer global brands when it comes to                 good or bad history in the market. “A label
    Whilst the demand for products             durable and electronic goods. This leaves             on the back of a product saying ‘made in
from Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and              little room for African products, particularly        Africa’ won’t cut it,” says Kritzinger. “A
other continental nations is not to be         in the formal market – although coffee,               brand has to strive to be the best. African
downplayed, one needs to keep in               chocolate and clothing have obviously                 brands can focus on storytelling while
mind that the market is only so big,           made inroads.                                         having the best possible product one can
warns Hammond-Aryee. “South African                                                                  manufacture. That could appeal to an
consumers are very inward-looking. I don’t         For instance, a group of Togolese                 Afrocentric market.”
think they are much interested in goods        entrepreneurs is currently working
and services from other parts of Africa.       on creating a prestigious, world-class                    Notes Markowitz: “In South African
This limits the market.”                       chocolate brand using organic local                   retail, where branding truly matters, African
                                               ingredients that have been sustainably                goods don’t stand out. Often they don’t
    This is borne out by recent Nielsen        produced. This could be a selling point               meet the necessary standards. If you want
research, which indicates that home-           among environmentally aware SA                        to import African products to South Africa,
grown brands are favoured by local             consumers in higher LSM categories.                   you need to ensure they are ISO-compliant.
                                                                                                     Succeeding on a large scale may therefore
                                               Getting marketing right                               be difficult. However, a niche African
                                                                                                     product like Fairtrade chocolate might be
                                               Further challenges for African brands                 a more feasible opportunity.”
                                               include the distribution network and
                                               getting marketing basics in place. “One of                When it comes to services, delivering
                                               the hardest things for African brands to get          clever localised solutions that can help
                                               right is marketing,” says Dylan Ferguson,             the South African private sector grow
                                               co-founder of marketing consultants                   and improve could take the foreign
                                               WatsonFerguson. “It is not enough to                  businessperson far, says Phiri. “South
                                               come to South Africa with a whole lot                 Africa’s start-up environment is very
                                               of money and spend millions on a TV ad                supportive for IT ventures,” he observes.
                                               when your product is available in only a
                                               couple of provinces. Also, remember that                  “We have many incubators and tech
                                               existing trade channels are dominated by              hubs, for instance Silicon Cape in Cape
                                                                                                     Town, which offer a lot of support and
                                                                                                     expertise, particularly when compared to
                                                                                                     other African countries. In South Africa you
                                                                                                     can nurture a small company, grow it in to a
                                                                                                     large firm and become a global player.”

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