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 Big hotel brands
unveil grand plans
 for the continent

Despite a slowdown in many African economies, the continent’s tourism
 marketing potential continues to attract new investors – among them
                   some of the world’s best-known hotel brands.

I NTERNATIONAL HOTEL GROUP                         Meanwhile, the US$110-million Hilton       is developing new properties in both
     Hilton Worldwide has announced new        Nairobi Upper Hill is due to open in 2020 as   Johannesburg and Cape Town. These
     developments centred on three African     a 255-room, 330m-high hotel in Kenya’s         are the forerunners of a long-term
countries as it works to double its footprint  capital. On completion it will be the tallest  African expansion strategy which
on the continent within the next five years.   hotel on the continent, Hilton says. The       Marriot says will result in a presence
It will go from 39 current hotels to more      brand already has another property under       in 27 countries.
than 80 properties during that timeframe.      construction in Kenya, the Hilton Garden Inn
                                               Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.               “Africa is particularly important
    Among the new projects is what is                                                         to Marriott International’s expansion
claimed to be Africa’s first modular-build         And, having previously announced an        strategy because of the continent’s rapid
hotel, the 280-room Hilton Garden Inn in       agreement to develop the Legend Curio          economic growth, expanding middle
Accra, Ghana, a concept that Hilton first      hotel at Lagos airport, Hilton confirmed       class and youth population, as well as
premiered in 2014. Other developments          the addition of a further 76 rooms. The        the increase of international flights into
include the tallest hotel on the continent in  hotel is due to open next year and will        the continent,” said Chief Executive Arne
Nairobi, plus an extension to the recently     be the first within the airport precinct.      Sorenson. “With over 850 million people
signed Legend Curio at Lagos Airport.                                                         in sub-Saharan Africa alone, there are
                                                   At the bottom of the continent,            enormous opportunities.”
    “We’re breaking new ground in the          the Marriot international hotel chain
region with the announcement of our
first modular-build hotel, a fast-paced           The new Hilton Nairobi Upper
construction solution that we feel has huge       Hill will be 330m high and the
potential in Africa, with quicker returns         tallest hotel on the continent
for investors and a world-class hospitality
experience for guests,” Patrick Fitzgibbon,
Senior Vice President of Development for
the EMEA Region at Hilton, said.

    Modular construction can be used
to complete hotel developments more
quickly and provides other benefits such
as streamlined design and cost efficiencies.
The process involves assembling portions
of the hotel – including guest rooms and
hallways – at a facility in China. These
are then transported to the hotel site for
final assembly.

    “The model, according to Hilton, helps
ensure consistent quality and accelerates
the build schedule on site, a particular
benefit for developers and investors in
emerging markets,” reports the industry
website Hotel Management.

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