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South Africa’s solid infrastructure,
healthy financial system and robust
regulatory frameworks make it one of
Africa’s more attractive business and
investment destinations. But how do
other African nations experience its
business environment?

                                                                                               Left: Johannesburg, once renowned as
                                                                                               the ‘city of gold’, has lost some lustre with
                                                                                               the slow demise of gold mining in the
                                                                                               country, but it remains an iconic business
                                                                                               city. Above: Sandton, an affluent area
                                                                                               within the Johannesburg metro, is widely
                                                                                               regarded as the most important business
                                                                                               and financial district on the continent

and strengthened institutions allowed it        Expats want to buy                                 The 2015-2016 Global Competitiveness
to move away from being a pariah state          products they use                              Report by the World Economic Forum
to the gateway to Africa.                       in their homelands                             (WEF) confirms the findings in the Ernst
                                                                                               & Young survey. Ranking South Africa’s
    Today the country is one of Africa’s        are two key drivers of the country’s           economy second in Africa (although it
more attractive investment destinations         attractiveness. “Then there is the wealthy     has subsequently again overtaken Nigeria
– credit rating downgrades, university          market. South Africans are significantly       to claim top spot) and 49th globally, the
student protests and political shenanigans      wealthier than consumers in most other         authors attribute the high score to its
notwithstanding. Last year it attracted the     African countries,” he points out.             healthy financial markets (12th of 140
majority of Africa’s FDI projects – 130 to                                                     countries surveyed), decent access to
be exact, as reported in Ernst & Young’s            “The fact that our institutions are much   financial services (6th), the soundness
2016 Africa Attractiveness Index. This is       better protected than elsewhere on the         of the banks (8th), its independent legal
10 projects more than the year before, and      continent plays an important role too. It is,  framework (24th), and the quality of the
over 40 more than the number attracted          for instance, possible to enforce a contract   road networks (34th). Then there is the
by runner-up Kenya.                             here, as opposed to some other Africa          booming telecoms sector and decent
                                                countries. The laws in South Africa are        Internet infrastructure.
    Dawie Roodt, Director and Chief             very strict, which equals protection.”
Economist of the Efficient Group in the                                                            “Technically there’s an open
capital city of Pretoria, isn’t surprised.                                                     environment in South Africa, with good
Infrastructure and the availability of capital

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