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Mining in the Democratic Republic of                                                         Above: Child workers at a gold mine in
Congo. Legislators in countries such as                                                      Burundi. Legislation in several countries
the US demand that company supply                                                            now prohibits the use of products derived
chains not include minerals from                                                             from child labour. Left: Apple headquarters
‘conflict’ regions                                                                           in Cupertino, California. The company
                                                                                             recently declared that it audits 100% of its
                                                                                             supply chain to detect ‘conflict’ minerals

                                                                                             Supply chain audits
                                                                                             will grow in scope

to highlight local place names or display          But not everyone has a similar            more socially responsible citizens.
South African flags on their goods as a        incentive to ensure a transparent supply      However, any company looking at this
way to entice customers.                       chain. Many mid-size organisations, for       purely from an ROI perspective may want
                                               instance, are often not affected by relevant  to have a conversation with Chipotle
    However, whether the boerewors (a          legislation. For example, the United          Mexican Grill, an American fast-food
local sausage) comes from Piet De Jager’s      Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act only             chain. The company’s sales dropped
Grabouw farm in the Western Cape or from       targets companies with a total turnover       35% in 2015 after an E. coli bacteria
a water buffalo abattoir in Thailand is hard   of £36-million (US$45-million) or more.       outbreak, not to mention the damage
to determine. Food traceability technology                                                   caused to the brand, which was once
has still some way to go in South Africa,          However, with increased legislation,      an industry darling.
and African consumers have yet to hold         consumer advocacy and media attention,
executives to account and scrutinise these     the importance of supply chain audits will                                Tielman Nieuwoudt
audits – if, indeed, they exist at all.        continue to grow as supply chains get                                     is Principal of The
                                               longer and more complex. Technology                                       Supply Chain
    Some observers also questioned the         such as Radio Frequency Identification                                    Lab and has
impact that legislation will have on small-    devices (RFID) will play an increased role                                extensive supply
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).           in this process. According to Allied Market                               chain experience
For large multinationals in the spotlight,     Research, spending on food traceability                                   covering more
such as Apple, traceability is imperative to   technology is expected to surpass the                                     than 30 emerging
their brand strategy and is an achievable      US$14-billion dollar mark by 2020.                                        markets in Africa
goal due to the company’s huge resources                                                                                 and Asia. The Supply
(Apple audits 242 smelters and refiners).          Beyond social responsibility, questions   Chain Lab is a group of supply chain
Small farm-to-fork speciality stores and       remain about the return on investment and     improvement specialists with a focus on
restaurants also have a major incentive to     whether consumers at the mid to lower         factory-to-village supply chain solutions.
provide visibility to clients regarding local  end of the market are willing to pay for
and ethical product sourcing.                  increased traceability in order to become

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