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Leveraging the
power of milestones

 to enhance brand

 Milestone marketing – leveraging an organisation’s achievements
 as a way to market the brand – is a strategy often used by large

           corporations in Zimbabwe, writes Tendai Maguwu.

T HE MILESTONES THAT BRAND                    Creating credibility to                       its marketing communication messages
          marketers normally create           support sales campaigns                       in print media, as well as being part of the
          promotional mileage out of include                                                livery on its delivery trucks.
corporate and product anniversaries,          In the cut-throat world of brand marketing,
attainment of ISO certification, acquisition  even sales promotion campaigns need a             Awards such as this create valuable
of plant and equipment, and winning           push. Zimbabwe’s largest supermarket          third-party endorsement and validation,
industry awards.                              brand, OK Zimbabwe, has been running          which helps brands stand apart from their
                                              an annual sales promotion, named the          competition. An award from the likes of
    Of these, anniversaries are arguably      OK Grand Challenge Jackpot Promotion,         MAZ lends credibility and helps to build
the most common achievements around           since 1988.                                   trust in the brand.
which milestone marketing strategies
are planned. While some experts                   In 2013 the campaign celebrated its       Anniversaries entrench
question the efficacy of this approach,       25th anniversary and the retailer marked      the market position
many Zimbabwean companies see it              this by creating a special logo that
as a way to achieve a number of brand                                                       Some businesses have made
objectives and benefits – as the following    Emphasising                                   anniversaries a continuous strategy by
examples illustrate.                          longevity gains                               adding the organisation’s establishment
                                              consumer trust                                date to its brand packaging. Local milling
Leveraging the power                                                                        company National Foods, for example,
of brand longevity                            accompanied every promotion-related           continuously informs the market of the
                                              marketing message. This enabled the           long history of its premium self-raising
When the Zimbabwean ox-drawn                  company to lend credibility to the sales      flour brand, Gloria Flour, through the
farming implements manufacturer,              campaign by reminding the market of its       slogan ‘Trusted since 1920’ which appears
Zimplow Limited, celebrated the               long history, a strategy that is more likely  on every packet.
75th anniversary of its Mealie Brand          to gain market trust than similar activities
implements, the company ran a successful      by younger brands.                                Olivine Industries, a manufacturer of
sales promotion campaign for most of                                                        fast-moving consumer brands (FMCBs),
2015, acknowledging the reality that              In 2014, OK Zimbabwe won the              uses the same tactic to market its flagship
farming implement sales are seasonal,         Marketers Association of Zimbabwe             cooking oil brand, Olivine, through a label
with demand peaking as the rainy              (MAZ)-run Superbrand award for the            marked ‘Established in 1931’. This helps
season approaches.                            year’s most Exceptional Campaign as a         marketers of the two brands to entrench
                                              result of the OK Grand Challenge Jackpot      their premium status in the minds of
    This enabled an almost year-long          Promotion. Subsequently, the company          customers by highlighting their long and
anniversary celebration, which helped         ensured that the award was included in all    successful history.
the brand to stay top of consumers’
minds for a long time and to enjoy                                                              Similarly, Doves Funeral Services
prolonged exposure.                                                                         abandoned its ‘For the ones you love’
                                                                                            brand slogan after 2002 and adopted a

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