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hub for foreign direct investment (FDI) and    Institute, a Washington DC-based think                                                                                   – and encompassing countries with a
trade. Among major initiatives is Tangier-     tank, calls ‘potentially a game-changer for                                                                              combined GDP of just over US$1-trillion
Med, Africa’s largest container port.          the African trading system’.                                                                                             and total population of 920-million – would
                                                                                                                                                                        just a few years ago have been dismissed
    “Morocco is attracting big investment          Signatories to the agreement are 17 of                                                                               as wishful thinking. But, while the ideal of
by global corporates,” says Khalid Baddou,     the 26 member countries of the Common                                                                                    the ‘African Common Market’ is still some
head of the Moroccan Association of            Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, the                                                                              way away, it is arguably closer than it has
Marketing and Communication. They              Southern African Development Community                                                                                   even been.
include Boeing, which is manufacturing         and the East African Community. Among
aircraft parts and Renault, now producing      the nations involved are South Africa,                                                                                       Many businesses and investors look on
400 000 cars a year for export.                Angola, Egypt, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia,                                                                                   in hope. “We track the trend of progress
                                               Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania.                                                                                             being made in improving business
Other developments                                                                                                                                                      conditions in Africa,” says Lalor. “It is
                                                   A potential free-trade area stretching                                                                               definitely on the up.”
Other business-friendly developments           6 500km south-to-north across Africa
are underway in Africa. Arguably the                                                                                                                                                   For daily marketing
most ambitious is the Tripartite Free                           Like us on Facebook:                                                                                                   news updates, go to
Trade agreement formally set in motion                          Strategic Marketing                                                                                          
in June 2015. The aim is to promote                             Africa Magazine
increased intra-regional trade within Africa,
something which the influential Brookings

                                                                                                                                                   Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 23

                                               JOURNAL OF                                                                             JOURNAL OF                                                                         JOURNAL OF

                                               Coherent. Credible. Courageous.               OFFICIAL                                 Coherent. Credible. Courageous.        OFFICIAL                                                                      OFFICIAL
                                                                                        PUBLICATION                                   June–July 2016 • R35 (incl. vat)  PUBLICATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Coherent. Credible. Courageous.   PUBLICATION
                                                                                        OF THE                                                                                  OF THE
                                               August–September 2016 • R35 (incl. vat)                                                                                                                                   April–May 2016 • R35 (incl. vat)  OF THE

                                               Mall Culture                                                                           Informal Trading                                                                   Battle of the
                                               We love malls, but when do we have enough?                                                    Tapping into SA’s parallel economy                                          clothing retailers

                                               Liquor                                                                                 Grocery Sector                                    Going Viral                      International newcomers take on the old guard
                                               marketing                                                                              • Fruit & Veg City                                   How Suzelle
                                               Brandy’s                                                                               • Too little competition                                 DIY did it
                                               urgent need
                                               to rebrand

                                                                                                                                      Sensory                                                                            Ad blocking                                     Corporate
                                                                                                                                      Marketing                                                                                                                                social
                                                                                                                                      Sweet smell                                                                        Don’t worry –
                                                                                                                                      of success                                                                         be inventive!                                  investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SA’s most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CSI event

                                                                                                   Special                                      • Brand battles: Google vs Yahoo • Exhibitions industry feels the pinch            • Disney’s Star Wars marketing machine • Why email is still a viable channel
                                                                                                   Feature                            • Understanding programmatic buying • How logo shape impacts perception            • Ivan Moroke on being media-agnostic • Predicting consumers’ buying preferences
                                                                                                            SA franchising
                                                                                                              weathers the
                                                                                                          tough economy

                                                          • Out-of-home’s measurement breakthrough • Perils of the advertising pitch
                                               • Using influencers to drive your strategy • Manipulating consumers is not marketing

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