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records and other ‘does it make sense?’          assortment, ranging (product, pack               and quality-check processes to see the
checks – were performed in real time. This       and size to make available in each store,        first sets of data. Instead, the information
enabled double, and even triple, checking of     based on the store profile and area) and         was instantly available to them, allowing
certain key sets of data at the point of audit.  merchandising opportunities.                     for immediate planning and action.

    The mobile research technology                   The digital method of research is            From information
system also continually uploaded the GPS         also a large time- and money-saver, as           to insight, to action
co-ordinates of the enumerated store,            it eliminates the need for manual data
matching enumerator and store positions          recording on physical systems. In the case       However, the challenge that comes with
to known co-ordinates as a way of                of the Nigerian Retail Census, it not only       improved data-gathering methods – more
authenticating each audited store.               put the research tool in an enumerator’s         stores in more areas, covered in more detail
                                                 hand or pocket at all times, it also provided    – is the generation of exponentially more
    This allowed for back-checking of            in-field access for clients – making the retail  data. This can be completely overwhelming
random blocks, during which a supervisor         universe information easily accessible,          unless you utilise digital tools to help make
revisited the outlets to validate data quality   whenever and wherever they needed it.            sense of this mass of information and to
and coverage completeness. Data gatherers                                                         direct the necessary actions flowing from
were also required to take a photo of each           Another positive is that the use of digital  these insights during day-to-day distribution
of the stores that they visited. This was        technology facilitated immediate reporting       and sales operations.
so as to identify the physical location and      to clients. Unlike with previous manual
enable client users to locate the outlet         systems, they did not have to wait 18                A key part of the Nigerian Retail Census
when following up for distribution, product      months for the completion of the fieldwork       project has therefore been to ensure that
                                                                                                  the data gathered is subjected to rigorous
NIGERIA’S RETAIL CENSUS COVERS MORE                                                               analysis and segmentation. From a retail
THAN 1,9-MILLION OUTLETS NATIONALLY                                                               point of view, this is invaluable as it allows
                                                                                                  manufacturers to optimise distribution
Nielsen launched the Nigeria                         These comprise a combination                 reach and activation in the stores that are          PHOTOS: GETTY/GALLO IMAGES, SUPPLIED
Retail Census Project in July 2014               of small grocery outlets, kiosks,                most critical for their business success.
and completed it in January 2016,                table tops and open markets. All
resulting in a total of 1 964 145                tend to have complex supply chains               In summary
stores being enumerated. What                    and supplier routes to market,
made the scale of the project                    which creates a challenge due to                 The overall outtake is that bigger and
possible is that all data collection             the country’s evolving state of                  better data is all well and good, but
was conducted via mobile phones.                 infrastructure.                                  the onset of mobile technology means
                                                                                                  it’s now possible to utilise it in a far
    At its start, enumerators were                   Key challenges experienced                   more focused manner. This will help
counting 11 000 outlets per week,                during the census project were                   manufacturers move from understanding
but this rose to 55 000 outlets per              heavy rainfall, political unrest, fuel           the retail landscape, to focusing on the
week at the peak of the census.                  scarcity, power cuts and limited                 stores critical to their business through
                                                 connectivity. The biggest challenge,             planning, executing and measuring the
    Utilising mobile technology                  though, was finding more stores                  outcomes of that strategic approach in
meant the necessary GPS co-                      in the field than what was initially             a digitally-enhanced manner.
ordinates and photos were                        anticipated. Original estimates
captured, providing the means to                 started at 1,4-million stores, but                                           Ailsa Wingfield
locate and identify outlets lacking              the project was completed with                                               currently serves as
street addresses or trading names.               1,9-million outlets.                                                         Head of Thought
                                                                                                                              Leadership for
    This was essential, given that                   The final results of the                                                 performance
Nigeria is the largest market in                 Nigerian survey will be the most                                             management
sub-Saharan Africa and has more                  comprehensive view ever of a single                                          company Nielsen’s
than 170-million people and nearly               country’s retail structures, trading                                         Emerging Markets,
two-million retail outlets. This                 characteristics, categories handled                                          with responsibility for
makes its retail sector difficult                and trading conditions. The census                                           building strategic
to reach and measure, given                      also represents a model for other                foresight through knowledge creation
that it is predominantly informal                countries to follow, with Nielsen                and thought leadership development.
and consists of more than 95%                    now conducting similar projects in               She has extensive experience in
traditional trade outlets which are              Ghana, Pakistan and South Africa.                Africa, having worked with global
independently-owned.                                                                              and local brands in multiple countries
                                                                                                  across the consumer goods and
                                                                                                  telecommunications industries.

18 strategicmarketingafrica Issue 4 2016
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