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Innovative ad-                               5 000 calls an hour. Shield also achieved a    Redemption rates are at least 10 times
driven services                              22% mobile coupon issuance rate, a level       higher than with paper coupons.”
                                             way ahead of a 3% coupon issuance rate
A focus on text ads has not stopped          achieved, at best, by traditional media, says      Mobile coupons first took hold in
Africa spawning highly innovative mobile     Palmi. Mobile coupons replace conventional     South Africa in 2012, thanks to the
SMS and USSD ad-driven services.             paper-based discount coupons and can be        efforts of WiGroup International’s founder
Among them is the ChiChi sponsored           redeemed at point of sale.                     Bevan Ducasse. He realised effectiveness
call campaign devised by                                                      of mobile coupon campaigns were
The campaign set out to capitalise on an         So impressed was Unilever with             hampered by the absence of their
all-too-frequent problem faced by African    ChiChi that it took the campaign to            integration into retailers’ point-of-sale
consumers: a shortage of cash to buy         Zimbabwe in partnership with Econet            (POS) systems.
prepaid airtime.                             Wireless, Zimbabwe’s biggest mobile
                                             service provider.                                  Ducasse’s solution was wiPlatform.
    ChiChi requires a consumer to enter a                                                   It was a world-first, enabling retailers to
unique USSD code on their phone and add          Called Buddie Free Call, it was            integrate any mobile coupon or payment
the mobile number of, say, a friend they     preceded by an awareness drive in which        app onto their POS system overnight
want to speak to. They immediately receive   50 000 Econet subscribers were informed        at minimal cost. It has since been
an automated return call and, as a reward    by text message of its impending launch.       adopted by almost every major South
for listening to a 15-second advertisement,  Response was huge. On the campaign’s           African retailer. WiGroup is now bent on
are connected to their friend for one        launch day it attracted 10 000 registered      emulating wiPlatform’s success in West
minute, courtesy of the ad sponsor.          users, a number that grew to 200 000 in        Africa, where in 2015 it formed a joint
                                             less than two weeks.                           venture with Interswitch, Nigeria’s largest
    The campaign launched in late 2014                                                      electronic payments processor.
and attracted support from a number of           USSD and SMS can also be used to
big-name corporates, including Unilever’s    great effect in pure coupon campaigns.             “Mobile coupons went live in Nigeria in
Shield deodorant and Omo washing             “Paper coupons are a hit or miss method,”      October,” says Darko. “Shoprite [Africa’s
powder brands.                               says Michelle McEwan, MD of Gorilla            largest retailer] is one of the first aboard.”
                                             Creative Media. “With mobile coupons           Ghana is set to follow. “We are in the
    It was a runaway success. The Shield     consumers request what they want.              early stage of development in Ghana and
campaign alone attracted at its height

                                                                                            Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 13
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