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MARKETING SOCIETY OF KENYA                          practice and has been conducting courses for
                                                                                     marketing practitioners since 1978. The current
                                 MSK started as the Advertising Society of           programme features an Executive diploma, a
                                 Kenya in 1962 and became the Marketing              Practitioners diploma, a Postgraduate diploma,
                                 Society of Kenya in 1968. Its vision is to make     an Ordinary diploma, a Certificate, short courses
                                 marketing the force behind business in Kenya        and various seminar courses.
                                 and beyond. Its mission is to continually
                                 promote professional marketing standards,              One of MSK’s principal tools is Sokoni, a
                                 establish a practitioner code of ethics and         marketing magazine
                                 provide interactive forums for marketers.           written for marketers
                                                                                     and by marketers.
                                    As a non-profit organisation, MSK is
                                 committed to the teaching of good marketing

                                 ZAMBIAN INSTITUTE OF MARKETING

                                 ZIM is a membership organisation regulating         related disciplines; promote high standards of
                                 the practice of marketing as provided for in        training and professional competence; publish
                                 the Zambia Institute of Marketing Act of 2003.      textbooks, journals and other communications;
                                 The Institute is affiliated to the Ministry of      and promote ethical and responsible practices.
                                 Commerce, Trade and Industry and the Minister
                                 serves as Patron.                                      It is an examining body for the ZIM
                                                                                     Professional Diploma in Marketing, a
                                    The main aim of the Institute is to contribute   professional qualification that was adopted after
                                 to national development through the creation        ZIM was enacted by an Act
                                 of wealth. In doing so, it seeks, among others,     of Parliament to regulate
                                 to: advance the marketing profession and            marketing in Zambia.

                                 MARKETERS ASSOCIATION OF ZIMBABWE

                          KENYA  MAZ emerged as a result of a number of              industry and the economy at large. Its mission
                                 challenges that included lack of recognition for    is to promote marketing excellence and to
        ZAMBIA                   marketing as a profession, businesses lacking       further the cause of professionalism in the
        ZIMBABWE                 a proper marketing function, fragmentation of       economy, thereby ensuring that outstanding
SOUTH                            the industry, a need for a united industry voice,   marketing is learned, recognised and
AFRICA                           and the infiltration of other professions into the  implemented at the highest level.
                                 marketing arena.
                                                                                        MAZ provides various education and
                                    Now well established, its vision is              development courses
                                 to become a leading body of marketing               and runs the annual
                                 professionals, promoting professionalism of         Superbrand of the
                                 the highest standards for the benefit of the        Year event.

                                 INDIAN  INDIAN OCEAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION
                                         The recently formed Indian Ocean Marketing Association
                                         (IOMA) became the newest member of the African
                                         Marketing Confederation in April 2016.

                                            It has been established as a regional marketing body with
                                         the help of the AMC leadership and represents marketers in
                                         Comores, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Reunion.

                                            IOMA believes that marketing is fundamental to the
                                         success of any business enterprise and aims to promote
                                         marketing expertise, learning and professional marketing
                                         standards within the region.

                                            The organisation is proud to be a member of the AMC
                                         as an exciting and expanding African
                                         initiative. IOMA’s members look forward
                                         to sharing their knowledge with the other
                                         members of the AMC.

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