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Above left: A rural retail outlet in Nigeria. Centre: Mobile-based data from field researchers allows highly detailed maps to be
created, showing the density and type of retail outlets in each area. Above right: A rural shopkeeper

I N AFRICA, THE RISE OF MOBILE                Africa is breeding                                 In the case of the Nigerian Retail
     and digital technology has played a      innovation in                                  Census, mobile technology allowed
     central role in addressing a wide range  mobile research                                auditors to access digital maps to locate
of socio-economic developmental issues                                                       and enumerate areas, as well as capture a
and challenges. This, in turn, has driven     fact that it now firmly positions Africa as a  detailed questionnaire regarding the retail
economic and infrastructure development,      spawning ground for world-leading research     dynamics of every store and trading point.
as well as improving access to vital          technologies. It also means that, in stark     Areas were divided into blocks, with every
services such as education and healthcare.    contrast to the continent traditionally being  auditor assigned to an area predefined via
                                              seen as a follower when it comes to the        mapping tools, thereby ensuring that each
    While much of the mobile/digital-led      uptake of new technologies, it is once again   and every square centimetre was covered.
innovation to date has been in these          leap-frogging existing methodologies in
broad areas, it is now also proving to be a   favour of more progressive, digital-based      The immeasurable
boon for manufacturers wanting to bring       options. This makes it a breeding ground       becomes measurable
products to emerging market consumers.        for innovation in mobile technology.
In the past, the vast size of the African                                                    This approach saw more than 1 600
continent has made it a minefield for         A hotbed of innovation                         enumerators traversing the roads, streets
those brands needing to get to grips with                                                    – and in certain instances, paths – of
distribution and store activation in the      Africa’s predisposition towards this           Nigeria to cover close to two million retail
myriad of traditional trade outlets; be they  forward-thinking approach results from the     outlets. This led to the creation of a retail
on a busy main street or at the end of a      massive uptake of mobile phones across         digital duplicate of Nigeria on a map. This
dusty road.                                   the continent, which has made mobile           was accessible in the field via computer,
                                              technology a familiar and easily accessible    tablet and mobile. The map data included
    Fortunately, the rapid uptake of mobile   data-gathering tool.                           such detailed factors as store location,
phones across the continent means they                                                       GPS co-ordinates for each outlet, store
have now become the tool of choice                The adoption of this type of               classification (i.e. bricks and mortar,
for opening up previously untapped and        technology has also been driven by the         shack/umbrella), and details of access
unleveraged retail and product opportunities  need to improve upon existing time-            to amenities such as water and power.
for researchers and marketers.                consuming and expensive data acquisition       Enumerators also gathered trading data
                                              methodologies. These have always been          such as the size of the selling area, the
    Against this backdrop, global             ill-suited to Africa’s vast distances and      product categories sold, in-store displays,
performance management company                infrastructural and logistical constraints;    payment methods and financial turnover.
Nielsen completed a world-first retail        factors that have made accurate data-
census of 1,9-million retail outlets across   gathering extremely challenging.                   Another huge advantage of mobile
Nigeria in early 2016 (Editor’s Note: see                                                    measurement is the inherent checks and
sidebar article for more detail on the            Instead, mobile technology has now         balances that are brought into the data
census) and, in the process, created a        eliminated the lag, inaccuracy and cost        collection process through the automation
blueprint for the use of mobile technology    associated with traditional data-gathering     of previously manual processes that save
as a market research tool across the globe.   methods and turned the notion of Africa        time and eliminate human error. Within the
                                              being ‘unreachable’ in market research         project, critical data validation processes
    Indeed, the successful completion of the  terms on its head.                             – such as electronic verification (through
Nigerian Retail Census is an achievement                                                     proprietary software) to remove duplicated
that cannot be underestimated, given the
mammoth scale of the project and the

                                                                                             Issue 4 2016 strategicmarketingafrica 17
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